Do you have buttock pain?
A common frustrating condition for patients is pain in the buttock region, which has several common and some less common causes. More common causes would be pain referred from the low back called the lumbar spine. Many people believe any pain radiating to the buttock is from a herniated disc, but that is not always […]
Rotator Cuff vs. Bursitis?
The term “rotator cuff” pain means different things to many people. The rotator cuff contains a group of tendons that surround the top of the arm bone called the humerus. These tendons can become partially or fully torn, both of which can lead to pain and weakness.
Physical Therapy for Spinal Stenosis
On April 6, 2015, the Annals of Internal Medicine published online an article by A. Delitto, PT, PhD, who conducted a randomized controlled trial of Physical therapy vs surgical treatment of patients with spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is a condition where the spinal nerves or spinal cord become compressed by a narrow canal or channel. […]
Spring Baseball Injury Prevention
For parents of youth pitchers we would like to bring increased awareness of throwing injuries that are preventable with proper pitch counts as well as education. There is no magic number of pitches for every individual athlete, although there are guidelines that can be found on the Little League Baseball Regulations website. More importantly, let’s […]