If I Have Spinal Surgery, Should I Wait Before Starting Physical Therapy?
While spine surgery is not for everyone, for those who must undergo surgery, I am often asked my opinion as to whether physical therapy is needed after surgery. Some patients and even doctors have been nervous about early physical therapy, preferring to wait 4-6 weeks prior to starting PT. However, one disadvantage of waiting is […]
Adolescent Back Pain
While low back pain in adolescents is less common than in the elderly, there are some instances in which a young person should seek medical advice. One such condition is pars fracture. This cause of low back pain can be seen in young athletes in sports as cheerleading, soccer, football, wrestling, weight lifting, volleyball, rowing, […]
All The Right (Spinal) Curves…
…in all the right places! (Part I) “Doc, I know why I have lower back pain,” says the new patient in the exam room. “My general practitioner said I have curvature of the spine.” Do I look at the patient in disbelief? Or do I assume that they are describing a scoliosis deformity or a […]
Shoulder Pain (Part I) One common cause of pain in the shoulder region is due to improper posture. Did you know that many of us, despite regular gym exercise suffer from this easily treatable condition?