Chronic back pain can mess up your everyday routine. Instead of playing with your kids, taking the mound for your weekly softball game, or working on completing your outdoor project, you are forced to take easy because of your pain.
This discomfort can take a stranglehold on your life. If you are searching for a doctor that will deliver a solution for your back pain, you’ve come to the right place. At Northeast Spine & Sports Medicine, we seek to manage your severe chronic pain and help you live your life to the fullest. Here’s what to know about fighting chronic back pain with one of these solutions, Radiofrequency ablation.
Radiofrequency ablation uses radio waves to heat up a particular area of nerve tissue. This procedure interrupts nerve conditions and the conduction of pain signals throughout the body. Pain relief from this treatment typically lasts from six months up to a year.
This minimally-invasive procedure doesn’t require an overnight stay and usually takes only an hour to complete. Although Radiofrequency ablation doesn’t take long, patients must prepare by not eating or drinking anything for up to six hours prior to treatment. Patients must also arrange transportation home as some may not be able to drive or operate machinery for 24 hours following the procedure.
What to Expect
During the procedure, patients are given a mild anesthetic to reduce discomfort but still keep them awake. The doctor performing the treatment will insert a small needle into the area that is giving the patient pain. The process is guided by X-rays to deliver a minimal amount of electrical current. These radiofrequency waves are utilized to create a heat lesion to block the nerve from sending out pain signals. Side effects of Radiofrequency ablation are minimal to none as only discomfort, swelling, and bruising on the treated area for several days is common.
If you want to take back control of your life and get your pain under control, you can turn to Northeast Spine & Sports for Radiofrequency ablation, another one of our treatment options, or even the chiropractic services we offer at our five convenient locations. You can reach us by filling out a contact form on our website or calling one of our five locations today.